Medieval England: The Reign of Edward I, 1272–1307

Edward I, known as Edward Longshanks, was one of England's most famous medieval monarchs. His reign marked a significant turning point in English history, characterized by military campaigns, legal reforms, and the consolidation of royal power. Edward’s efforts to control Wales and Scotland, reform the English legal system, and manage relations with Parliament had lasting impacts on the development of medieval England.

This page will guide you through the key events, figures, and concepts of Edward I’s reign, providing revision materials to help you understand his legacy and the political and social developments of the time.

1. The Early Years of Edward I’s Reign (1272–1282)

Key Themes:

Key Figures:

Key Events:

2. The Welsh Campaigns (1277–1283)

Key Themes:

Key Figures:

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3. The Scottish Wars of Independence (1296–1307)

Key Themes:

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4. Legal and Parliamentary Reforms

Key Themes:

Key Figures:

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5. Edward I’s Later Years and Death (1300–1307)

Key Themes:

Key Figures:

Key Events:

6. Key Concepts in Edward I’s Reign

7. Revision Resources

8. Exam Tips