Norman England, c1066–c1100

Following the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, William the Conqueror (Duke of Normandy) established a new Anglo-Norman regime that transformed English society, politics, and the economy. This period saw significant changes to the landscape of power in England, including the establishment of feudalism, the construction of castles, the Domesday Book, and the establishment of Norman rule over the Anglo-Saxon populace.

This page will provide revision resources and explanations on the key events and developments in Norman England, focusing on the consolidation of Norman rule, changes in the structure of society, and the integration of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman cultures.

1. The Norman Conquest and Battle of Hastings (1066)

Key Themes:

Key Figures:

Key Events:

2. William’s Consolidation of Power (1066–1075)

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3. Feudalism in Norman England

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4. The Domesday Book (1086)

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5. The Impact of Norman Rule on Anglo-Saxon England

Key Themes:

Key Figures:

Key Events:

6. Key Concepts in Norman England

7. Revision Resources

8. Exam Tips